Christian Dayno

A branding project for a rising Toronto filmmaker and visual designer. 

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The process


About the Project

The goal was to create a new brand identity from the ground up that not only represented his thriving passion for filmmaking but also his street style energy. The final deliverables were a poster, a workable logo system, and a motion graphic that introduced him as a new and upcoming creative.



  • Adobe Illustrator

  • Adobe Photoshop

  • Adobe After Effects


The project took about two months to build.


Part of the initial process was to gather inspiration based on the client’s persona. Someone who is passionate about his craft, loves hip hop, fashion, and the city.

The Dayno Poster


The logo

The logo was designed with three key elements: His initials (CD), the red spot symbolizing a recording camera, and the frame-like camera composition shape.

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Screen Shot 2021-01-10 at 11.54.45 PM.png

The Mockups

The mockups were built upon various aspects of his interests such as fashion and everyday studio living.

Artboard 1.jpg


A simple glimpse of the go-getter videographer and designer that is Christian Dayno.

final VIDEO

The final video is the fully formed render I created that reflects the storyboard. This encompasses elements from the entire project and acts as the introduction to our client.




PSA Project